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Social Studies Reference - Class 10 - Unit 1

                           Grade: 10
Unit: 1
Human Resource Development

By the end of the unit, the students will be able to;

·         Define and figure out the challenges of human resource development.

·         Explore various ways to human resource management and development;

·         Explore the current Human Development Index;

·         Highlight the importance of Human Resource Index;

·         Introduce the concept of regional and federal development;

·         Introduce and differentiate the provinces on the basis of physical features and socio-economic life;

·         Highlight the prospects and the challenges of the provinces and suggest the solutions to the problems;

·         Draw the outline map of provinces and insert the facts;

·         Draw the maps, charts and graphs.  

The important points to be learnt….

§  The process of positive changes in any sector is called development.

§  The man power which is required for the development of a nation or an organization is called human resource.

§  Human resource is categorized on skill and tenure basis.

§  There are three types of human resource on the basis of skills. They are; unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled.

§  Short term, long term and sustainable human resource are the other category of human resource on the basis of tenure.

§  The act of recruiting and developing the skills of the work force of an organization or any other sector is called human resource management.

§  The process of improving the working competencies of the work force of an organization according to need is called human resource development.

§  An indicator of measuring the developments of a nation on the basis of three dimensions i.e. education, life expectancy and income is called Human Development Index (HDI).

§  HDI is measured to identify the condition of the nation and suggest the ways to overcome them.

§  The value of HDI ranges from 0 to 1.

§  Norway stands in the first rank in the list of HDI ranking whereas the position of Nepal is in middle position.

§  The report of HDI is produced every year by UNDP.

§  Nepal was divided into four development regions in 2029 BS.

§  Nepal was further divided into five development regions in 2037 BS.

§  The success of the Peoples Movement IInd introduced the Federal Republic System in 2065 BS. ending the two hundred forty years old the monarchial system.

§  The new constitution of Nepal promulgated in 2072BS, introduced seven federal provincial model in the nation.

§  Province;1 and 2 have not been named yet.

1. The positive changes in the society is development. The task of development is carried out in the guidance and support of various means and resources. The resource with the capacity, skills and knowledge for development is called Human Resource.  Teachers, doctors, engineers, administrators, lawyers, nurses, mason, carpenter, plumber etc. are the examples of various types of human resources. 
2.  Human resource
    A group of people with the skills, knowledge and  ability to do any kind of work who can contribute  in all types of development of an organization or a nation is called human resource. e.g. teacher, nurse, administrator. The development or prosperity of an organization or a nation is depended on the human resource it has got. An organization or a nation requires both general and technical human resource. There is a great role of all types of human resources for the development the organization. They all play a vital role in the progress of a nation.
3. The bases of classification of human resources
   The human resources available in the world can be classified on the following bases. They are;
  a. On the basis of skill and
  b. On the basis of tenure.
  c. In general basis 
a. On the basis of skill
    The types of human resource on the basis of skills are;
    i. Unskilled human resource
The human resource with the absence of skills and knowledge but who can help or support the other human resources in the development works of an organization or a nation is called the unskilled human resource. eg. labours, sweeper,peon, etc.
 ii. Semi skilled human resource
The human resource with a little skills and knowledge on works with a short term training and who can support in works of the skilled human resource and can mobilize the unskilled human resource is called the semi skilled human resource. They are not the expert but can contribute in the development with the skilled human resource. Health assistant, cook, plumber, etc. are the examples of semi skilled human resource.
     iii. Skilled Human Resource
The such human resource with expertise in their skills and knowledge is said the skilled human resource. They are the experts in the particular skills and the knowledge. They are prepared with along term study in the particular discipline. As they play a good role in the development of an organization or the nation, they are considered the backbone of the nation's development.
4. The types of human resource on the basis of Tenure or Term
    There are various ways of classifying the available human resources. The human resource on the basis of tenure is one of them. The human resource on the basis of tenure is classified into three categories. They are;
     i. Short term human resource
The human resource which are prepared for a short term and a specific work is termed as short human resource. seasonal tourist guides, security force recruited for an election, etc. are the examples of short term human resource.
 ii.  Long term human resource
The human resource recruited by an organization or a nation for a long term service is said long term human resource. The civil servants, army, police, and others are the examples of long term human resource. 
iii. Sustainable human resource
The man power which can contribute for the development of a throughout their life is called the sustainable or constant human resource. teachers, doctors, lawyers etc. are the good examples of the constant human resource. 
iv. In general there are two types of human resources ;
a. General Human Resource 
b. Technical Human Resource
#  Human Resource is a kind of work force and the works made through them can be classified into four major groups;
a. Primary: (the act of producing raw materials, such as farming, fishing, mining, forestry and so on.)   
b. Secondary: ( the act of producing goods using the raw materials, such as production of goods from the factory, food grains productions, construction materials and so on)
c. Tertiary: ( the act of providing the services such as communication, pharmacy, running shops and hotel and restaurant and so on.)
d. Others;  ( Expert services or research oriented works, planning and programming, innovation, discovery and so on.)

5.   Human Resource Development  (HRD)
    The process of producing skilled human resources and enriching them with skills, knowledge and        training to run the development activities of a particular organization is called human resource            development.Human resource development is a branch of human resource management  as it is the act of empowering the human resources available in the organization for its over all development. The prime aim human resource development is to empower the human resource and develop the organization.
6.  Importance of Human Resource Development
     Various types of human resources are required to run the organization. The skilled human resource         are not enough to carryout all the works of the organization. For over all development of the human       resource and the organization itself, the organization prepares an action plan this action plan of the        organization is called Human Resource Planning. Until and unless it has got a good plans and operation of them, the organization can not compete in the competitive market. Thus the human resource development  has got importance for the development. They are;
a. It helps to draft a good plans and policies for the development of the organization being based on available human resources in the market.
b. It guides the organization to recruit the man power according to need of the organization for present situation and the future.
c. The human resource development always guides the available human resources with the motivation for the development of the organization.
d. It helps to develop the pretty relation in between the owners, stakeholders, officials and the workers of the organization.
e. The concept of human resource development always leads the organization to be competent for competition in the competitive market.  

7. The various process of Human Resource Development
Human Resource Planning is a kind of planing prepared by the organization for its over all development. Here, the organization prepares the plans and policies being based on its potentiality. It even observes the demand of the markets and produces goods and services on the basis of it. There are various process of Human Resource Planning, they can be as follow;
a. Preparing of Human Resource Plans with its prime objectives.
b. Analyzing of available human resource in the market at the present situation.
c. Prediction of demand and supply of the human resources for present and the future,
d. Evaluation of the available human resources.
e. Develop the action plan for the development of the organization,
f. Launch the training and skill development programs,

8. The Challenges found in the development of HRD.

The Human Resource Development sector is not able to move ahead as it is expected. There are various problems and challenges in the development of Human Resource Development. They are;
a. The government of Nepal is not being able to prepare the Human Resource Development policy for the development and management of  human resources.
b.Because of the problem of Brain Drain, the required human resources for the development of development of the organization is not available.
c. The act of human resource development has not taken place as per the need of the market.
d. The state is not able to make the access of Human Resource Development programs in the every nook and corner of the state.
e. There need to be scientific and practical education, health facilities and other facilities in the access of the students, who are the human resources of the recent future and they are out of the access of the people. 
9. The Measures to overcome the challenges or the problems found in the HRD

Though the problems or challenges are found in the HRD, they can be solved easily if they are tackled wisely. The measures to overcome the problems of HRD are;
a. To minimize the problem of Brain Drain, the state has to create a lot of employment opportunity in the country itself.
b. The demand and the supply of the human resource in the market need to be maintained.
c. The development task should reach in every nook and corner of the country and the state has to make effort to include all the ethnic groups, marginalized and underprivileged group in the state affairs.
d. The state has to prepare the plans and the policies to take the benefit from the exiting population.   
e. The technical and vocational schools and colleges should be established through out the country to produce enough number of skilled human resource to meet the need of the country.
f. The state has to formulate a long term Human Resource Plans with the aim to meet the challenges of the recent future. 

10. Human Resource Management (HRM)
    Human Resource Management is the process of recruiting the work force (human resource), developing their working capacity and efficiency and making the more responsible for the organization. The efficient and responsible work force can lead the organization in the apex in the market. The Human Resource Management includes the various components. They are;
a. Recruitment of right work force,
b. Job analysis
c. Orientation and refreshment training to the work force,
d. Proper and wise management of salary or wages,
e. Providing incentives to the work force,
f. Interaction in between the work force and the stake holders, 
g. Evaluation of all the activities of the work force and the organization and so on. 

11. Difference between Human  Resource Management and Human Resource Development.
 Human Resource Management
a. Human Resource Management is the application of principles to manage the human resource of an organization.
b. Human Resource always aims at the improvement of the human resource of the organization.
c. Human Resource Management is associated with the human resource, the work force.
d. It is the routine process in the management of available human resources.
e. It is a kind of tool to up-grade the potentiality of the work force of an organization.
f. Human Resource Management is a system based process.
i.Human Resource Development
a. Human Resource Development is a continuous development process which aims at the improvement of performance of the work force of an organization.
b. Its main objective is to develop the skills and competency of the human resource and the organization itself.
c.Human Resource Development is linked with both work force and the organization.
d. It is on - going process.
e. It highly focus on the development of the organization rather than other.
f. It is the act of the process.
ii. The Human Resource Development is the need of present
A well qualified and competent human resource is the need of present. The presence of well qualified human resource can take ahead the economic status of a nation. The given points high light the need of human resource development.
a. Human Resource Development is needed to demand and recruit the work force according to need of the organization and work plan.
b.To increase and cut off the work force as per the need and the situation of over staffs. It is very useful in this situation.
c. The diversified human resource can be mobilized for better and  diversified productions.
d. It is needed to meet the demand and supply of the work force of the nation.
e. It is also needed to make survey on condition on all kinds of human resource required for the organization.
f. To stimulate the work force towards their responsibility for productions.

  Lesson- 2
 Human Development Index ( HDI)
1. Human Development Index 
Human development index is a compound indicator  to show an overall development of a nation. It is an instrument to measure the achievement of a nation on various sectors. It is created to measure the health , education and the economic condition of a nation. It is is calculated in between 0 to 1.
   The purposes of calculating human development are;
    a, To find out the progress of a country
    b, To suggest a country to up grade development for HDI.  
Armatya Sen                                              Mahbub Ul  Haq

 The concept of Human Development Index (HDI) was introduced in 1990 AD. It was the concept two economists.They were;  Amaratya Sen from India and Mahbub Ul Haq from Pakistan. It has been recognized by the United Nations Organization (UNO) IN 1990 AD. and the UNO publishing the annual report of the Human Development Index (HDI) every year. The HDI is evaluated and calculated being based on the following three dimensions. They are;
  a. Health - (Life expectancy at birth)
  b. Education - (Literacy rate/ average years of schooling in the adult population and Expected years of schooling for school age children) 
  c Income- (Per cpita income measured under Gross National Income (GNI).
    Percapita income is an average income of an individual of country within the period of  a fiscal          year. It is measured in American Dollar.

2. The importance of HDI.
Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite index measures the average achievements of human development in three aspects. A long and healthy lifestyle, education and a living standard. It suggests a nation to improve the conditions of these three dimensions for a better human development. The importance of HDI are;
a.  HDI helps to identify the progress of a nation, it has made in the three different areas.
b. HDI provides the comparative concepts on the development of a country along with the changes they have made.
c. HDI provides the ways to look at whether a country is moving a head in the path of progress in the human development.
d. As HDI is a general human development index of a nation on human development, which helps to find out the default areas like inefficient services, corruption and requirements of the human resources. etc.

3. The Causes behind High and Low Living Standard of People in different countries
All the nations in the world don't have the equal living standard. It gets differ country wise. Some countries are able to maintain all the criteria of HDI because they are able to mobilize and utilize all the resources of the country. The causes for high and low life standard are;
a.  Some countries in the world have very low rate of employment opportunity, low wages or salary and irregular employment pattern.
b.  Many countries are suffering of political instability, natural disasters, environmental problems, corruption etc.which are enforcing for low standard life style.
c.  Many countries in the world have high life standard because they have got high rate of employment opportunity with high wages and salary system.
d.  The countries with the political stability, rule of law and good governance, very less environmental problems, proper utilization of available natural resources are very good in better life style. etc.

4. The Status of Nepal in HDI  and Ways to Improve 
 According to HDI report 2019AD, Nepal is put in the list of low status level in HDI as the low income level of citizen, low life expectancy and low status of education. According to report Nepal was enlisted in 147th position out of 189 nations with the score of 0.579 .
Nepal is one of the least developed country in the world. As her economic and other status is low, the HDI is also low. There should be good programs and policies to up-lift the condition of HDI. The following programs and policies can help to up lift the condition of HDI in Nepal.
a. The government of Nepal should expand quality of education through out the country. The scientific and practical education should reach in the access of every citizens. So there should be the process to the schools well equipped for the quality education.
b. Many people of our country have to die in the absence of good health facilities.The initiation should be taken for free health facilities and health insurance in the access of every citizen. Next the human resource in  health sector would be produced in large number and they would be mobilized in remote areas with proper facilities.
c. A large number of people are going abroad in search of employment opportunity and they are forced to sell their labour in throw price. Thus my effort would go ahead for industrialization to create employment opportunity in the country. The government would also pay attention in the self - employment too with economic assistance.
d. As Nepal is an agricultural country, the government should pay attention to encourage the youth to come in the agricultural sector.They should be provided all things like improved seeds, fertilizer, pesticides and so on.The provision of providing all these in assistance of the government for better agricultural production should be carried out.
Thus it cqan be believe that these small effort from the government would may help to improve the HDI of our country Nepal.
    The women of Nepal, least developed and developing countries are deprived of the rights and privileges. They are limited within the four wall of the house. They are to be at home and forced to be limited with the house holds works. The women are exploited through the following basis.
    a. Socially,
    b. Economically
    c. Culturally, and
    d. Physically         

5. The Ways to Improve the Poor condition of women of Nepal 
 More than 50% population of our country is covered by the population of women. As they occupy half of the total population, the condition of the women is in worse situation. Until the condition of the women rise up and they assist in the development, the state can't make any progress. Thus If  I were appointed as the Minister of Women and Social Welfare, I would launch the following programs to up-lift the condition of the women of our country.
a. We know education is the prime source of all around development of state and the its people, so there will be a program of compulsory free and quality education to all the school going girls with the facility of free stationery.
b. I would launch a vocational training to make the adult women self-employed and provide them the soft loan to start their own business.
c. As per the principles of inclusion in the constitution of Nepal 2072, I would move ahead to aware and get their right of 33% reservation in the governmental and non governmental sectors.
d. The next step will be of implementation of equal right in the parental property for the girls and women as the men get as the heirs of their  father.
e. The awareness campaign would be launch in my leadership against the dowry system in Nepal.
f. The different social problems over the women would be removed with the help of awareness program and implementation existing law of the nation.
g. The women would be encouraged to participate in the various economic sectors to be employed and up lift their status as they wish.
6. The Roles of Provincial Government to uplift the condition of Women in Nepal
The constitution of Nepal has provided the rights to the provinces of   Nepal in many areas. They have to carry out many activities through out the state. The activities which are to be carried by the Provincial governments are;
a. There should be the provision of equal and compulsory education to the school going girls up to school level education. The state has to provide the stationery to the girls free of cost. It has to instruct the district councils and  local levels of the province to work accordingly.
b. The adult women should be provided the vocational trainings to be self employed and to generate the employment opportunities in the local levels.
c. The health posts and health centers should be established in each wards of the local levels in the initiation of the provincial government, where the women could get the basic level health facilities in their own local levels.
d. The provincial government must make the policy to involve the women in the development activities of the state.   

                             Lesson: 3
             Concept of Regional Development and   Federal System in Nepal 

1. Concept of Regional development
The positive progress or changes is said development. It always aims at the development of human beings. It focuses on gradual development of all the sectors like physical, social, economical, cultural and so on. It is needed to fulfill all the basic needs, ensure the social and economic transformation of the people. It helps to take the people from orthodox society to well transformed society.
The act of dividing the country into different administrative units as region for proportional development is called Regional Development.  The concept of Regional Development was introduced in 2029 BS for the first time in Nepal. Nepal got divided into four development regions. They were;
a. Eastern Development Region
b. Central Development Region
c. Western Development Region and 
d. Far-Western Development Region
Later in 2037 BS. Nepal was further divided into five development regions. This Mid-Western Region was added. They were with all the three physical features with the opportunity of development.
The main purpose of dividing Nepal into five development regions were;
a. To decentralize the power from center to each development region,
b. To take the proportional development in every nook and corner of the country,
c. To establish the effective and efficient administrative services among the people,
d. To make public participation in the development works,
e. To make wise utilization of available natural resource available,
f.  To develop the feelings of national integrity among the people,
g. To check migration and remove the regional disparity.
 Before introduction of regional development, Nepal was with 14 zones and 75 districts. Nepal was divided into 14 zones and 75 districts on 1st Baisakh, 2018. 

Federalism and Nepal

Federalism is a kind of political system in which a country is divided into different (autonomous) provinces or states. There is  government in each province along with the government in the center as federal government. It means, there are two types of governments and we call it dual government system.
5. When was Nepal divided into 14 zones and 75 districts?
  Nepal was divided into 14 zones and 75 districts on 1st Baisakh, 2018.
6. Write any two causes of failure of development regions
 The causes for the failure of development regions are;.
a. The voices of people for development were ignored.
b.  The voices for the rights and freedom were suppressed.
7. When was Nepal declared Federal Republic State? 
 Nepal was declared Republic State on 15th Jestha, 2065.
8. Difference between unitary system of government and federal government in a sentence.
A kind of governmental system in which the whole nation is governed from the center by a single government whereas the federal government is three types of governmental system in which the country is governed through federal, provincial and local governments.  
9. What can be the bases for naming the provinces of Nepal?
The process of naming the state is very challenge. Apart from Gandaki Pradesh, Karnali Pradesh and Sudur Paschim Pradesh, the states of names have not been made yet.
Culture and hermitages, the ethnicity, natural resources, religious background can be the bases for naming the states.
10. What can be the process or criteria for the selection of the capital of each province? 
 Following features are required to select the capital of the provinces.
* The capital should be in the center of the province linked with all the districts of the province.
* The capital should get linked with road network of the nation.
* There should be enough infrastructures required for a capital such as university, hospital, airport etc.
*There should be facilities of landfill site for waste management. etc. 
11. Differentiate between principle of federalism and decentralization in one sentence.
 Federal system is a kind of dual government system with the government in the province and federal government in the center whereas decentralization is unitary governmental system, a nation under a single government.
 12. What are the levels of government in Federalism? 
The federalism consists of three levels of governments. They are as follow;
 a. Federal government.
 b.Provincial government and
 c. Local government.
13. Is federalism suitable to the context of Nepal? Give a reason.
 I don't think,federal system is suitable in the context of Nepal because this system is suitsble for only large and rich nations as Nepal is small and economically weak nation and it isn't offordable from the geographical and economical prospective.
Short answer questions.
1. Differentiate functions of three levels of governments according to constitution of Nepal 2072.

                  Federal government..

* It is the government in the center as national    government.
* It has control over the whole nation.
* The government is lead by the prime minister.
* It runs all the state affairs collectively under       the federal government and formulates the       federal laws. It also amends the constitution.
* It handles the affairs related to defense,             foreign affairs, monetary system etc.

                     Provincial government
* It formulates and amends the provincial laws     and implement them.
* It prepares the state level programs and             policies.
* It has to maintain the peace and security of       the own province and run the effective,               efficient and smooth running administration.
* It has to protect, preserve and promote local     arts and cultures.
* It has to conduct the provincial level projects.

                    Local government
* The local level government prepares the v            programs and policies for local level.
* It prepares local level economic policies and      programs and implement them effectively.
* It has to maintain law and order in own local     level.
* It handles the basic level education under           the    national education plan.
* It runs the small scale projects like, radio,           FM,   TV etc.
* It protects, preserves and promotes the art         and cultures of own local level.

2.Differentiate between Federal and Provincial government in four points.
                    Federal government
* The federal government is headed by the             prime minister.
* The federal government has to look after the      whole nation.
* It runs all the states affairs under the federal     law of  the nation.
* The federal government looks after the                national security, foreign affairs, monetary        policies of the nation.

              Provincial government
* The provincial government is headed by             Chief Minister.
* The state government has the control over         the own state.
* The provincial  government runs under the         provincial law and federal law.
* The state government looks after state level     education, health, communication etc.
3. The ways to gain economic progress in federalism in Nepal
 We have known that the political system, Federalism is suitable for economically strong and large nations in area  like the USA, China, India, Brazil etc. It means, we also know that this political system is not appropriate to small and economically fragile nations. Though it is true, Nepal should follow the following tips for the economic progress in the federal system;
a) The state has to notice the economic  potentiality of each province and prepare the plans and act accordingly.
b) The Five Years plans  of the country should focus on modernization  and commercialization of agriculture sector.
c) The government should prepare plans and policies to attract the foreign investment in the country in industrial sectors.
d) All the political parties of Nepal should make commitment for political stability in the country.
e) Nepal is very fertile land for hydro-power, so the state has to give high priority for the production of hydro-electricity and sell it in the international market.
f) The next area for economic progress of Nepal is tourism sector. Nepal is very well known for adventurous tourism in the world. The tourism of Nepal should be promoted.
 We think these activities may help in the economic development of the nation in federalism.

 Lesson: 4
1. नेपालका संघीय प्रदेस 
 कोशी प्रदेश 


Name of the Province: Province:1
कुल क्षेत्रफल:२५,९०५ वर्ग कि.मि.
राजधानी : बिराटनगर 
जिल्ला : १४ districts
Names of the districts: Morang, Jhapa, Sunsari, Bhojpur, Khotang, Solukhumbu, Okhaldhunga,                                                   Udayapur, Therthum, Dhankuta, Taplejung, Ilam, Panchthar, Sankhuwas
Total no. of local levels: 137
                                       Metropolitan city: 1
                                       Sub-Metropolitan city: 2                    
                                       Municipalities: 46
                                       Rural Municipalities: 88   
The native people:         Meche, Koche, Rajbanshi, Rai, Limbu, Sherpa, Kshetri, Brahman 
Physical Features:          Terai, Hills and Mountains
Major Mountains:          Mt. Sagarmatha, Mt. Kanchanjunga, Mt. Choyu, Mt. Makalu Barun, Mt.                                                   Kumbhakarna etc. 
Major Rivers:                 Mechi, Kamala, Kankai, Arun, Tamor, Dudhkoshi, Saptakoshi, etc.
Major National Parks:   Sagarmatha National Park, Makalu Barun National Park, Kanchajunga C.A.,                                             Koshi Tappu W.R.  
Religious cites:              Haleshi Mahadev, Pathibhara Mata Mndir, Barahakshetra, Budha Subba,                                                   Dantakali, Chhintang Devi, etc.
Mjor cities:                    Biratnagar, Bhadrapur, Damak, Dharan, Dhankuta, Ilam, Gaighat,                                                            Okhaldhunga, Salleri, etc. 
2. A Short Introduction of Province :2 

Name of the province:     Province :2
Total Area:                       9,661 sq. km.
Physical features:            Terai region (only)
National parks:                Parsa Wild Life Reserve and a little part of Koshi Tappu W.R.
Religious cites:                Ramjanaki Mandir, Chhinnamasta temple, Gadi-Mai temple, etc.
Capital city:                     Janakpur
Major cities:                    Birgunj, Rajbiraj, Lahan, Simara, Chandranigahapur, etc.
Districts:                          8
Name of the districts:      Saptari, Siraha, Dhanusha, Mahotari, Sarlahi, Rautahat, Bara and Parsa
Total no. of local levels: 136
                                        Metropolitan city: 1
                                        Sub-Metropolitan city: 3
                                        Municipality: 73
                                        Rural Municipality: 59
Native people:                Yadav, Tharu, Muslim, Shah, etc.

3. A  Short Introduction of Bagmati Pradesh

Name of the province:    Bagmati Pradesh
Total area:                       20,300 sq. km.
Physical features:           Mountain, Hills and Terai
Capital city:                    Hetauda
District:                          13
Name of the districts:     Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, Makwanpur, Chitwan, Dolakha, Rmechhap,                                         Sindhuli, Kavreplanchok, Nuwakot and Dhading
Local levels:                  119
                                       Metropolitancity: 1
                                       Sub-Metropolitan: 3
                                       Municipalities: 41
                                       Rural Municipalities: 74
Native people:               Newar, Tamnag, Sherpa, Jirel, Dashnami, Chepang, Kshetries, Brahamisn
Major Mountains:         Mt. Gauri Shankar, Mt. Jugal, Mt. Langtang, Mt. Ganesh, etc.
Major rivers:                 River Bagmati, Bhote Koshi, Trishuli, Sun Koshi, etc.
Major religious cites:    Shree Pashupatinath, Dakshinkali, Planchok Bhagwati, Dolakha Bhimsen,                                                Swyambhunath Stupa, Bouddhanath Stupa,etc.
Major cities:                 Kathmandu, Hetauda, Banepa, Patan, Bhaktapur, etc.

4. Introduction of  Gandaki Pradesh

Name of the Province:        Gandaki
Total Area :                         21,504
Physical features:                Mountain, Hills and Terai
Capital city:                        Pokhara
District:                              11
Name of districts:              Gorkha, Lamjung, Tnahun, Kaski, Manang, Mustang, Syanja, Parbat,                                                      Myagdi, Baglung, Nawlparashi (East)
Local levels:                     85
                                          Metropolitan city: 1
                                          Sub-Metropolitan city: 0
                                          Municipalities : 26
                                          Rural Municipalities: 58
Native people:                  Gurung, Thakali, Dura, Magar, etc.
Major mountains;             Mt. Manaslu, Mt. Dhaulagiri, Himchuli, Mt. Annapurna, Mt.                                                                     Machhapuchchhre, etc. 
Lakes/Rivers;                   River Kaligandaki, Marshyangdi,  Seti, etc. 
National Parks:                 
                                         Lakes- Tilicho, Phewa, Rupa, Begnas, etc.
Major religious cites:      Muktinath, Manakamana, Baglung Kalika, Bindiyabasini, Talbahari
Major cities:                    Pokhara, Badipur, Manakamana, 

A Short  Introduction of Lumbini Pradesh

Name of the province:     Lumbini Pradesh
Total area:                       21,504 sq. km.
Physical features:            Hills and Tearai 
Capital city:                     Butwal
District:                           12
Name of districts;            Banke, Bardia, Dang, Gulmi, Rukum (east), Pyuthan, Rolpa, Nawalparasi                                                (west), Rupandehi, Kapilbastu, Palpa and Arghakhanchi.
Local level:                     109
                                        Sub-Metropolitan city:4
                                        Municipalities: 32
                                        Rural Municipalities: 73
Native people:                Tharu, Magar, Brahamin, Kshetries etc.
Rivers/Lakes                   Rivers: Tinau, Rapati, etc.
                                        Lakes:  Jagdish pur, Satyawati, Barakune etc.
Major Religious cites;    Lumbini, Thakurdwara, Swargadwari, Bageshwori, Rishikesh, etc.
Major cities:                   Butwal, Nepalgunj, Bhairahwa, Kohalpur etc. 

6. A short Introduction of Karnali Pradesh

Name of the Province:    karnali Pradesh
Total area:                       27,984 sq. km.                                         
Physical features;           Mountain and Hilly region 
Capital city:                    Birendranagar
District:                          10
Name of the district:       Rukum (west), Dolpa, Jumla, Mugu, Humla, Kalikot, Jajarkot, Dailekh,                                                    Surkhet and Kalikot
Local level:                     79
                                        Municipality: 25
                                        Rural Municipality; 54
Native people:                Thakuri, Kshetri, Shahi, Brahamin, etc.
Rivers/Lakes:                 River: Bheri, Sani Bheri, Humla Karnali etc.
                                       Lakes: Shey - Phoksundo, Rara, etc.
Mountains:                     Mt. Kanjirowa, Kanti Himal, Danphesai, etc.
National Parks:               Rara, Shey-Phoksundo
Religious cites:              Kankre Bihar, Chandan nath, Deuti Bajai, etc. 
Major cities:                   Salli bazar, Dailekh, Birendranagar, Jumla, etc.

7. A Short Introduction of Suder-Paschim Pradesh

Name of the Province:   Sudur-Paschim Pradesh
Total area:                      19,539
Physical features:           Mountain, Hilly and Terai regions
Capital city;                   Godawari
District:                          9
Name of the districts:    Kailali, Kanchanpur, Dadeldhura, Darchula, Baitadi, Bajura, Bajhang, Doti and                                       Achham.
Local level;                   88
                                      Sub-Metropolitan city: 1
                                      Municipality: 33
                                      Rural Municipality: 54
Native people:               Tharu, Thakuri, Kshetri, etc.
Rivers/Lakes:                Rivers: Karnali, Seti, Mahakali, Babai, Rapati,etc.
                                       Lakes: Ghoda-Ghodi, etc.
Mountains;                    Mt. Api, Mt., Saipal Chuli, etc.
National Parks:              Suklaphanta, Khaptad 
Religious cites:             Saileswori, Badhimalika, Ugratara etc.
Major cities:                 Tikapur, Sanphebagar, Attaria, Silagadhi, Dhangadhi, Kanchanpur etc.






  1. Wow !!! These informations are really useful sir..

    1. Thank you mitra for the construtive omplement.

  2. Wow, great job sir. Keep writing more

  3. Our sutudy has now gone to a different level
    Thankyou sir :)

  4. Thank you every one for every constructive and encouraging words.

  5. It is very important to us and plays a vital role for get A+

  6. Great post !! Thanks for sharing valuable content.
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