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Social Studies Reference - Class 10 - Unit 4

 Unit:  4
Lesson: 1
Human Trafficking

1. Social Problem
The society has to face many difficulties and hindrances in course of development. They can be superstitious, alcohol abuse, gambling or any kinds of malpractices is called social problem.
2. Social Evil
The malpractices which go against the norms and values and hinder the development of the society is social problem whereas the anti-social activities which are against the law of the nation is called social evil.   
3.Human Trafficking
The act of buying and selling of human beings in abroad and within the country for forced labour, slavery, sex trade, body organs and other immoral activities is said human trafficking. The brokers involved in the act of human trafficking convince their preys throwing the pretty pretext of  of jobs and lucrative facilities. The very innocent and ignorant people of remote villages fall in the pretext of the brokers. The foreign employees and child workers are the the victims of Human Trafficking.  There are various forms of Human Trafficking. They are;

a. Girl Trafficking;

Girl Trafficking is a social crime, though it is considered as one of the social problems. It is an acute problem of Nepal and developing countries like Nepal. In this act, the girls and women are traded abroad and within the country for sex trade or forced labour. According to report of UNICEF, about 7000 girls and the women are traded abroad from Nepal. In the past, the girls and the women sold in India but at present, it has got changed. They are traded throughout the world. Generally, they are sold in China, Korea, Gulf-nations, Africa. They are even trafficked to Europe and America. It is found that the girls and women are being trafficked in the name of foreign employment.  

2. The Causes of Girl and Women Trafficking  

 Girl trafficking is a social problem of the present world. Not only the developing and least developed countries but developed countries are too suffering of girls and women trafficking. It is the act of buying and selling of girls and women for sex trade and forced labour in abroad or within the country. There are various causes of it. The causes of girl trafficking are;

a. There is lack of awareness and women oriented education in the society.

b. Poverty is the next problem of the society.

c. There is lack of employment opportunities and they are limited within the boundary the house.
d. The law against the girl trafficking is not being implemented properly.
e. Open border and loose security.
f. Lack of self - confidence and awareness among the girls. 

b. Child Trafficking

c. Human Organ Trafficking
The causes of girl trafficking are;
a. Poverty and
b. lack of awareness along with education.  
5.Prepare a slogan against the Human and Girl Trafficking?
# The tradition of offering the second daughter in the Gumba/Monastry where this female child become
3. What is the legql provision made by the state for the compensation against the human trafficking?
Ans: According to Human Trafficking and Transportation Act-2064 thevictim shall be given not less than the half of the fine levied as punishment to the offender.

Lesson: 2 

Domestic Violence and Untouchability

1. Domestic Violence

1. The violent or aggressive social behaviours of a family member or members towards other members who are little weaker or inferior is said domestic violence. In general, it is found that the women and the children are the victims of domestic violence. They are tortured in many ways. Physical, mental, social, emotional and others are some of the domestic violence. Beating, molestation, giving a blow, heating, burning etc. are also found as domestic violence. Generally, women, children and domestic workers are the victims of domestic violence.  

a. The Effects of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is such types of social problem which directly and indirectly affect the rights of the people/ members of the family. As there take place a violence in between husband and wife, the children are suffering and they forced to be involved in other types of ill habits. Not only this,  many people have made attempt of suicide. Some of the effects of domestic violence are given below;

a. Loss of name and fame in the society,

b. Develop the habits of making wrong decisions,

c. Performance of ill behaviours among the friends by the victims,

d. Very poor relation among the family members of the same family,

e. High probability of  taking intoxicating substances by the victims,

f. Development of mental problems, like depression, anxiety etc.

g. Poor work performance, etc.

b. The Ways to Control Domestic Violence

Though domestic violence are the big malpractices of the society, they can be minimized gradually. Here the victims of domestic violence too need to be aware against the domestic violence. There are various ways of minimizing the domestic violence in the society. Some of them are;

a. The awareness campaign against the domestic violence should be launched,

b. The couple or family counselling should be carried out,

c. Develop the habit of respecting others as you seek the respect from others,

d. Sit all the family members together and try to find out the root cause of conflict or violence,

d. Avoid the act of making sole decision in the family and respect opinion of the adult members too,

e. Consult the state authority, if such violence occurs in the family, etc. 

 2. Untouchability 

1. Untouchability is a kind of social behaviour or attitude prevailed in the society. It is the act of discriminating the so-called low caste people by the so-called high caste people in the name of religion and the castes. These types of caste based discrimination is found in the Hindu Religion. The caste based discrimination is found in other societies too. The low caste people are confined to unskilled and hated jobs. 

a. The Effects of Untouchability

There are various adverse effects of untouchability in the society. Some of the adverse effects of untouchability are;

a. Birth of conflicts and disputes in between the so-called high caste and low castes. 

b. The feeling of superiority in the so-called high caste may lead the society into the clshes,

c. The so-called low cast people would remain backward in each and every sector of affairs,

d. It hampers in the National Integrity, 

e. Because of distrust and disrespects, the development works of the society remains back.

f. A clear division in the society can be seen, etc.

b. The Ways to Minimize the Untouchability 

The social problem of untouchability doesn't remain always. The social malpractices practiced in the ancient time are not found at present. The different laws and constitutions commenced on different times have reformed or removed them from the society. The present constitution of Nepal has made the provision of Dalit Commission and other commissions to address this problem. To minimize the problems of untouchability, the following suggestion could be followed.

a. The people should be aware against the problem of untouchability through different media and social sites,

b. The laws drafted against the discrimination and untouchability should come into the operation wisely,

b. The legal programs and procedures prepared to uplift the condition of the so-called low caste people should come into the practice honestly, 

c.  The issues of so-called low caste people should not be politicized,

d. The state has to make the easy access of these people in the higher education and the vocational training,

e.  To uplift the condition of these people, the state has to provide the soft loan, if they want to start their own jobs and other works, 

f. There need to be development of positive discrimination in the society, and so on.

Some social problems
# Chhaupadi Pratha
A superstitious tradition of keeping out the women during the menstruation  is practised in the Karnali Pradesh and Sudurpaschim Pradesh of Nepal by the Hindu women is termed as Chhaupadi Pratha.
# Ghumto Pratha
The evil tradition that is practised among the women the Hindu and Muslim women in which a newly married bride has to veil her face with a shawl or the edge of the saree inorder to cover her face unseen from males is said Ghumto Pratha.
# Deuki Pratha
The custom or tradition of offering  the daughters to the local diety in the temple  to fulfill the vows made by them is called Deuki Pratha.
It is generally practised in the temple of Saileshwori of Doti of Sudur Paschim Pradesh.
#  The Jhuma Pratha
A type of social custom in which the second daughter is offered in the monastry  where the offered daughter becomes the Jhuma. It is mainly practsed in the Buddhism generally in the Himalayan region.
4. When was Red Cross established ? Write its any four functions.
Ans: Red Cross Society was established in 1863 AD by the Swiss citizen Jean Henry Dunant.
The functions of Red Cross Society are;
* Provides the rescue services to the war victims,
* Performs the task of mediation in between the fighting groups to settle the conflict,
* Conducts the rescue services in the natural disasters and provides the required daily needs to the victims,
* Provides the first aid and medical care with medicines to the needy people,
* Runs the ambulance service,
* Conducts blood donation programs and has established the Blood Banks to collect blood and provide to the needy,
* Provides food, clothes, shelter etc. to the victims of natural disasters.
5. Write about Scout and mention thefunctions of it in short.
Ans; The international organization Scout was established in 1903 AD By the British citizen Robert Baden Powell in London.
The functions of Scout are;
The Scout:
* helps the victims of natural disasters,
*  Conducts the health programmes and the immunization programmes
* Provides the supporting services to manage the crowd in the fairs and festivas,
* Conducts the tree plantation programmes and sanitation programmes,
* Supplies the pure clean drinking water,
* Launches the awareness programmes among the youth about the importance of local art and cultures.
6. Give a short introduction of SOS and write its functions in poits.
Ans: Save Our Soul (SOS), the internanational social organization was formed by the Austrian citizen, Dr. Herman Gmeiner after the World War II in 1049 AD. It was established to support the orphan children.
The functions of SOS are;
*  To provide the parental care and homely environment to the orphan,
* To provide food clothes, shelter, health facilities and education to the poor, needy, physically challenged and differently able children,
* To protect the rights and interests of the  orphans and the chidren of the SOS,
* To provide the support to the children for their physical and mental development development,
and so on.

   Lesson : 5     

        International Organization Working in Nepal

1.   PLAN INTERNATIONAL                

* It helps to assure the rights of the children in education,health, protection and economic security,
* It supports the government to improve the quantity of basic level education specially to marginalized groups,
* It assists to develop non-violent teaching methods in  the child friendly environment
* It helps the government to minimize the maternity and infant mortality rate ,etc.

2.  International Unoin  for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

    Est. 1948 AD.

Nepal joinerds it in 1976 AD.
* To formulate the plan and policies for the protection and preservatioin of nature and natural resources,
* To classify the organism into different categories like extinct, endangeres, vulnerable,rare etc.
To provide official and technical support to the member nationsfor the management and protection of national park, wildlife reserve, wet lands etc.

3.  Danish International Development Agency ( DANIDA)

* It provides trainings to the differently specially to blinds and deaf for being self developendent.
* It provides the trainings of sign languages and helps to find the jobs.

4.  International Labour Organization (ILO)


* It helps to eliminate the child labour and  conducts awareness to protect the rights of the labours,
* It drafts the laws and policies for labour and hepls to implement them,
* It works to eliminate the child labour from the urban areas,

5.  Norwegian Agency for International Development (NORAD)





* It provides the legal services to the women of Nepal to make them able to claim social,political and economic rights,
* It helps to modernize the education system of Nepal.
INF(International Nepal Fellowship )
* It helps to liberate the drug addicts and provides them the rehabilitation,
* It has been  running the hospitals in Pokhara and Surkhet to control leprosy, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, and so on.
Rotary, Jycees, Leo and Lions Clubs:
* They provide the various skills and leadership development trainings,
*  They provide the opportunities in the social works,
* They provide the support to the differently abled, orphans and needy people,
* They run the health camps and conduct the awareness campaigns, etc.

Lesson; 5 

Identification of Social Problems and the Solving Skills


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