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Social Studies Reference - Class 10 - Unit 9


International Relation and Cooperation

Lesson: 1

1.   U N O and its organs

The relation between two different nations in the government level is termed diplomatic relation. UK is the first nation to make diplomatic relation with Nepal. It was made in 1934 AD. By 2018 AD, Nepal is able to make diplomatic relation with 163 nations in the world.
The diplomatic relation of Nepal is based on the principles of Panchsheel and UN Charter. The principles of Panchasheel are;
* Peaceful Coexistence.
* Non interference. 
* Mutual Non-Aggression.
* Equity and mutual benifit and
* Muyual respect for each other`s territorial integrity.

UN-Charter is the main law of UNO. There are 19 and 111 articles. It is the guide line for all the nations in the world for diplomatic relation.
The world organization was formed on 24th October, 1945. There were 51 nations when it was formed. Its headquarters is in New York, USA. English, French, Russian, Arabian, Chinese and Spanish are the official languages of U N O. There are 193 countries at present. South Sudan.
           2. The historical background of United Nations Organization
The leaders of the world had made as much as efforts they could  to end the world war II since its beginning to protect the mankind and the physical properties learning the lesson from the World War I.
a. London Declaration
The leaders from the Allies Power gathered in London on 12th June, 1941. They made an appeal to end the war and ensured the international cooperation and peace issuing the declaration called London Declaration.   
b. Atlantic Charter
The British prime minister Winston Churchil and American president Franklin D.Roosebelt met in warship in Atlantic Ocean on 14th August, 1941 when the World War 2nd was going on. They discussed about means to maintain permanent peace in the world and forming a world organization. Finally they signed a treaty. It is recognized as Atlantic Charter. Later it became the mile stone in the formation of U N O.
c. San Francisco Conference
The representatives of fifty nations gathered at San Francisco, USA. They signed the UN-Charter on 26th June, 1945. It is known as San Francisco Conference. At the time of commencement the U N O, Poland came and signed the Charter and became the 51 st member nation.
U N O was formed with the following objectives.
a. To maintain peace and security through out the world.
b. To solve various problems of the world in mutual understanding.
c. To achieve international cooperation in solving the international conflicts.
d. To work for economic progress, social development and human right issues.
e. To develop friendly relation and cooperation among the member nations being based on the principles of UN-Charter.
  The organs of U N O and their functions.
a. General Assembly
General Assembly is called the parliament of the world. There are 193 member nations. Every year they meet in the session under the president elected from the General Assembly.
The functions of General Assembly are;
a.The member nations speak under UN - Charter and all the decisions are made by majority.
b. It passes the UN-budget.
c. It makes the recommendation to a new nation for membership.
d. It conducts the elections for different posts of the UN-organs.

b.Security Council
Security Council is one of the powerful organ of UN. It consists of 15 members. Among them 5 members( UK, USA, France, China and Russia) are permanent members. The ten members get elected from different countries of the world.
 Write the distribution made to elect the temporary members of Security Council.
The temporary members are elected for two years. The distribution of it ;
 Afro-Asia: 5 nations
 Latin-America: 2 nations
 East Europe: 1 nation
 West Europe: 2 nations
Nepal was appointed as temporary members in 1969 to 1970 A.D. and in 1988 to 1989 A.D. two times.
 Functions Security Council are;
a. To maintain peace and security in the world and settle any conflicts and disputes with resolutions.
 b. To mobilize the Peace Keeping Force in the conflict lands and settle the disputes.
 c.To make the recommendation for the appointment of Secretary General and a new nation.which wants take the membership of U.N.O.
c. The Social and Economic Council 
The Social and Economic Council is one of the main body of U.N.O. for the implementation of  programs, policies and internationally agreed declarations it prepares. There are 54 members elected from General Assembly for the tenure of three years. The distribution for the membership in this body is;
Asia:                  11
Latin America; 10
East Europe; 6
West Europe: 2
Other nations;  13
Here 1/3 members get changed every year through election in the General Assembly. There are nine commissions and each member has got a voting right.
The functions of Social and Economic Council are;
 a. To mobilize the specialized agencies of U.N.O. to implement the programs and policies throughout the world.
b. To make a recommendation for protecting and promoting human rights and fundamental rights.
c. To make investigation and researches on social and health problems and assist and provide mitigate suggestions to over come them.
 d. To organize international conferences on various fields.
3.  Veto power and its significance.
Veto power is a kind of power or authority practiced by the permanent member of the Security Council of the U N O to reject or amend the decision of the General Assembly. Its significance are that it rejects decision of General Assembly when are not appropriate to the member nations in some conditions. 
Lesson: 2
The Specialized Agencies of UNO 
UNO itself can not mobilize the programs and policies it prepares. There are various other supportive bodies to operate the programs and policies it makes. These supportive organizations to operate the UN programs are the UN-Specialized Agencies.  The UN-Specialized Agencies;
Roles of Nepal in the United Nations Organization
The United Nations Organization was established on 24th October, 1945. It was formed with the aim of promoting the the international cooperation in the world. It is very much successful in this act with the membership of 193 countries. Nepal got the membership of the UNO on 14th December, 1955. Nepal is serving the UNO since 1958 AD. making its participation in the UN-Peace Keeping Force.
The Roles of Nepal in the UNO 
* Nepal got the membership of the UNO on 14th December, 1955.
* Nepal was selected as the observer in the UN-Peace Keeping Force in 1958 AD.
* Nepal is sending its force in the UN- Peace Keeping Force since 1978 AD. The first force was send in the mission of  United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) in 1978 AD.
* The Nepalese force are working in various countries like Burundi, Chead, Haiti, Liberia, South Sudan etc.
* Nepal was elected as the temporary member of UN-Security Council for two times for the tenure of two years from 1969 to 1970 AD. and 1988 to 1989 AD.
*  Dr. Kul Chandra Gautam, the Nepalese diplomat was appointed as the Assistant Secretary General of the UNO in
* Nepal was elected as the Vice Chairperson of the UN General Assembly in 1958, 1968, 1970, 1974, 1975, 1983, 1984, 1988, and 2001 AD.
* Nepal has signed the Treaty of Disarmament to stop the acts of manufacturing and testing of the atomic weapons.  
* Nepal raised the voice against the attack of over Egypt in 1956 AD.
* Nepal opposed the attack of Israel over Arab in 1967 AD.
* Nepal Army is serving the Peace Keeping Force since 1978 AD to maintain peace and security in the conflict lands, etc.
Lesson: 4
UN Activities in Nepal
Since Nepal got the membership of the UNO, she is getting a wise support from the UNO. She is getting the support in the various fields like; physical development, social economic, governance sectors.
Nepal is receiving various support from its specialized agencies. They can be as follow;
a. International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD)
This specialized agency was established in 1077 AD. Nepal got the membership of this organization in 1978 AD. It is supporting in the act of eradicating the rural poverty of Nepal as its main objective is to aliminate the rural poverty from the least developed countries and developing countries.
The activities of IFAD in Nepal are;
a. It provide the financial and technical support to improve the agriculture sector.
b. It has been running various programms to the poors, landless people, women and indigenous nationalities to uplift their economic status.
c. It has been foucussing in the food security and so on.
2. UN Women
UN Women is one the specialized agencies of the UNO. It runs various programms in the developng nation to empower and uplift the condtition of the women. The programms run by the UN Women in Nepal are;
a. Various programms are being run to minimize the gender discrimination and impowering the women. 
b. It has been supporting in the leadership development programms among the women to make their participation in the various programms and development tasks  of Nepal. 
c. It has been providing the supports to go against the women violence. 
Lesson: 6
a. Globalization
Globalization is a new approach in the global scenario. It is the opening of local and national approaches in broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependent world where there is free transfer of capital, goods and services through out the world. It is the process of international integration in all the sectors. As the integration is taking place in all the aspects, the geographical boundaries are getting squeezed. Finally, globalization is defined as "A world without border". The great development in the communication has been a major factor in the development of globalization.
b.  The advantages of globalization
There are various advantages of globalization. They are as follow;
a. Globalization has been helping to the developed countries to extend foreign relation and reduce the trade imbalance.
b. The least developed and developing countries are being helped to boost up their economic status.
c. The people of least and developing countries are getting opportunity to enjoy the high quality goods and services of international standard in low price.
d. People get opportunity to make choice of goods and services in the various variety.
e. There is high probability foreign investment and it helps to boost up the economic status of the least and developing countries. eg. Uniliver limited and NCEL.
f. This creates the employment opportunities in the country which helps to promote the economic status of the people.
g. It has created the environment of competition among the producers of goods and services in which the consumers can be benefited.
c.  The disadvantages of globalization 
The disadvantages of globalization are as follow;
a. The traditional skills, knowledge and technologies of least and developing countries are being replaced by the modern technologies of the developed countries.
b. When the least developed and developing countries get the the grants and economic assistance they are forced follow the difficult terms and conditions which are harmful for the sovereignty of these nations.
c. The small, traditional and cottage industries in the least developed and developing countries can not compete with such multinational companies and the get collapsed.
d. The developed countries may give pressure to small and poor nations to make liberal policies for their companies which may affect the economic  policies of small and poor countries.
e. The concept of globalization is creating the situation of dependency on developed countries.
f. The domination of developed countries as political hegemony would be imposed and the self decision and right of such countries would be encroached.

d.  Localization

Localization is the process of making the things localized. It is the act of limiting the goods and services only in the local level and restricting them from being globalized.
The advantages of localization:
a. Localization focuses on the local products and consuming them in the local level for the promotion of local products and progress of local economy.
b. This concept emphasize on the development of the local level.
c. It highly focus on the people centered development than other.
d.This concept always advocates in the preservation and promotion of indigenous cultures and tradition avoiding the foreign or imported cultures.
e. It never believes in internationalization of the local products. and so on.
The drawbacks of  aspects of localization :
a. The local people of a particular area would be deprived of enjoying the international goods and services.
b. It imposes the restriction on export and import of goods and services.
c. Because of it, the development remains only in a small area.
d. The people of a local area become orthodox towards their religion, culture and tradition. and so on.    


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