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Unit : 1

We and Our Community

Lesson :1 

Human Resource Development

Very Short Answer Question:(Each question carry 1 mark)

1. What do you mean by human resource?

2. What do you mean by human development?

3. What do you understand by Human Resource Development? 

4. What is Human Development Index?

5. Write the name of any two countries with the poorest Human Development Index. 

6. Mention any two positive changes which resulted in your community due to the concept of Regional Development.

7. What do you understand by decentralization? 

8.When was Nepal declared the Federal Republic State?

9. Write any two positive effects of federalism.

10. Why is the Federalism called the Dual Governmental System? Write the answer in a sentence.

11. Why is the federal form of government is not suitable for small country?

12. Why is federalism suitable for Nepal? Write your view in a sentence.

13. Why did the concept of Regional Development got failed in Nepal?

14. What are the main purposes of declaring Nepal a Federal  Republic Nepal? Answer in two points.

15. What are cash crops of Pradesh no.: 1?

16. Write any two features of the province you are residing?

17. Why is Bagmati Pradesh densely populated? 

18. Whjo are the native people of Gandaki Pradesh?

19. Write the unique feature of Pradesh no: 2.

20. Write any two cash crops of Lumbini Pradesh.

21. Write any two geographical features of  Karnali Pradesh.

22. Suggest a way to institutionalize the Federal Democratic Republic State.

23. How can the Per capita income of Nepal be increased? Suggest a way.

24. What are the indicators used in Human Development Index?

25. Write a difference between Unitary form of government and Federal form of government.

26. What do you understand by Human Resource Planning?

27. What should be done to make your province economically viable? Mention one idea.(SEE-BP-2-2075) 

28. What do you mean by Human Resource Management? (SEE-BP-2-2075-Re Ex.)

29.  Differentiate in a point between Human Resource Development and Human Resource Management. (SEE-CP-2075)

30. What should be done to further strengthen of Human Resource Development in the context of Nepal? Write your opinion in a sentence. (SEE- DP-2075)

31. Write your opinion for or against on federalism that contributes in the local development in a sentence. ( SEE- EP- 2075)

32. Clarify in a sentence about the tourism potentiality of Karnali Province. (SEE- FP-2075)

Short Answer Questions

( each question carry 4 marks)

1.Write the differences between Human Resource Management and Human Resource Development in four points.

2. It is said that Human Development Index is the need of each nation. How? Present your views in four points.

3. There is a great importance of Human Resource Development  of a nation or an organization? What are they? Mention them in four points.

4. What can be the various challenges in development of HRD? Write any four of them.

5. What kinds of mitigate measures would you launch, if you were the chief human resource officer of an organization? Mention your views  four points.

6. The condition of Human Development Index is low. What kinds of activities are to be carried out to develop the condition of HDI  of Nepal? Present your opinion in four points.  

7. What kind of challenges are seen in proper operation of federalism in Nepal? Write any four of them.

8. Still two provinces of Nepal have not been named yet. What name would you like to suggest ? Suggest the names with the significance after the names. 

9. Nepal has adopted the Federal Democratic Republic  System. What are the causes behind following the concept of  Federal Democratic Republic System.

10. What are the prospective of development of Karnali Province? Write any four of them.

11. Although the Federalism is not suitable for small and poor nations, how can Nepal make sustainable economic growth? Provide any four suggestion. 

12. Compare Bagmati Pradesh and Karnali Pradesh on geographical and socio-economic features in two points respectively.

13. What are the process of Human Resource Planning? Write any four of them.

14. What could be the long - term vision in the Human Resource Development? Write any four of them.

15. What are the purposes of measuring the Human Development Index of a nation? Mention any four of them.

16. What are the functions of the Federal Government of Nepal according to Constitution of Nepal? Write any four of them.   

17. What can be the challenges in the act of operation of Federalism? Mention any four of them.

18. Observe the given outline map of a province of Nepal and write any four features of it.

19. Give a brief introduction of land relief, climate and natural vegetation, life style and economic condition of your province. (SEE- BP- 2075)

20. list any four roles that can be played by the provincial government to upgrade Human Development Index(HDI) of your area. ( SEE-DP-2075)


Our Civic  Sense
1. Show the similarities and differences between nationality and citizenship.
2. Imagine that either you or your friend is eligible to acquire citizenship of Nepal. Now write a letter to your friend describing the way to acquire the citizenship of Nepal according Constitution  of Nepal.
3.What are challenges seen in the management of acquiring citizenship of Nepal?
4. What are the requirements to acquire the citizenship of Nepal according to Constitution of Nepal 2072?
5. What kinds of efforts have been made by the government of Nepal to protect the human right of Nepal?
6. Human Right is an essential requirement for overall development of human being. Support the statement in four points.
7.Highlight the necessity of constitution amendment and differentiate between constitution amendment and law making process in four points.
8. Why is legislature called the law making factory?
9. What kind of roles can be expected from the government of Nepal at the present situation?
10. Independent, impartial and competent judiciary is the base of democracy. Highlight statement in four points.
11. Constitutional organs support to promote the good governance and rule of law in the nation. Highlight the statement in four points.
12. The constitutional organs have not their functions as they are expected. What can be the causes behind it? What can be the measures to overcome them? Answer in three and four points respectively.
13. Though there is presence of Commission for the investigation of abuse of authority, the corruption is increasing day by day. Why? Write any four causes behind it?
14. At present the political conflict is increasing day by day. What can be the solution to it? Present your views in four points.    
15. What could the roles of political of political parties in the democracy? Provide any four suggestion.
16. What roles did the  political parties of Nepal played to establish democracy in Nepal ? Present your answer in four points.       
17. What do you mean by referendum? Why was it necessary in Nepal in BS.2036? Present your views in four points.

Long Answer Questions

1. In what ways does periodic election support to maintain political stability in a country? Justify with appropriate reasons.

2. Prepare a model of article to be published in a daily newspaper analyzing the functions that are supposed to done not to be done by the political parties in democracy.

3. Clarify the importance of Election Code of Conduct. What roles should Election Commission have to play to imlpement Election Code of Conduct effectively? Analyse in points.

4. Evaluate the roles of Election Commission of Nepal in successfully conducting the election of three levels of Federal Nepal. How did Biometric Voting Identity Card eneble the election to be free and fair? Give reasons.

5. 'A nation can be prosperous only by the co-ordinating the roles legislative, executive and judiciary'. Analyse the statement.

6. National Natural Resource and Fiscal Commission is the distinct organ among all constitutional bodies in the context of present Nepal. Justify the statement in seven points.


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